Friday, February 17, 2006

3 Mile Run: Neighborhood

I have not been able to keep up with all the podcasts I listen to regularly. So, again I didn't select any music for the run. Instead, I listened to show 337 of Adam Curry's Daily Source Code. The most interesting part of the show was Michael of Podshow's comments about the NATO-Caliphates war. Interesting and scary, I should say. Seems to me that Michael's comments add some sort of credibility to what we think of as terrorists as a Caliphatic army defending the Ottoman Empire. I found this gem of an article, KryssTal : USA: The "War on Terror", that I assume presents some of the foundation for the position well.

I am sure that like all such polarizing arguments "the west's" and the "Caliphates", the truth is somewhere in between all of the rhetoric. If we can divide everything up into two camps, it will sure make fighting easier. I hope we can find a way through what looks to me like a mess getting messier. And, it seems that much of it is in the name of the same God who I understand prefers love. How dreadful we humans can make our own lot! I can actually understand and sympathize with some of the sentiments in the aforementioned article.

For many Americans, myself included, the sentiment expressed in the aforementioned article does not reflect our position. We do fear for the safety of our society and for our families. And, that fear motivates us to act. All should forsake violence and pursue real peace. And, yes, for me that means Americans too. But, I have to tell you that tearing down a government that hung cassette tapes from lamp posts and treated a soccer field as an execution center while maintaining training camps to kill me and my children, does not seem too difficult to support. Further, at the time I had no idea what Caliphates was. Iraq, for me, was a totally different matter.

As to perspectives that span hundreds of years and acts of dead people, I think it is up to us to find a better way. I would say it looks like we have a long way to go.


Distance: 3
Time: 30:09
Heart Rate: 153
Pace: 10:03
Weather: Partly cloudy. 47 degrees

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