Wednesday, December 27, 2006

12/27/06: 10 Mile Run: Neighborhood

Another technical glitch. This time it was my fault, no doubt. I only had 2 podcasts loaded up on the iPod and the total time was less than 1 hour. So, I took the Creative and assumed I would listen to music. But, the Creative's battery indicator indicated that it was low. But, I thought I might get lucky. I didn't. It died within the first mile.

The saddest part was that this was a mental run. In other words, I was running despite that fact that I really didn't feel like it. But, as it turns out I ran fine. I did get passed by another run, but hey, I am not the fastest runner on the road and I know it. The Timex/Garwin unit worked again and now I know the 10 mile turn around point (remember that last time I overshot the turn around point and almost ran 11 miles).

The quads did not feel bad at all.


Distance:10 Miles
Heart Rate:Not measured

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