Friday, March 17, 2006

3 Mile Run: Neighborhood

A quick (well not for better runners) afternoon run. No CD's on this run, I got caught on Adam Curry's Daily Source Code.

I have been checking out some of the video on based on threads on in response to Adam's comments that we should see more coverage like that done in Vietnam in order for us to adapt an informed and likely anti-war position against the Iraq war. Personally, I thought it was a mistake to go to Iraq from the beginning. I think it is terrible that after we discovered that virtually every premise except that Sadam was an asshole proved wrong, we didn't hold the administration to acccount. And, no doubt it is a huge mess now. I did read in interesting forum comment (on no less) that it is amazing that an insurgence is being waged against us. That this insurgence continues to grow and yet, no insurgence against Sadam in his day. Hum! Can fight us but not him.... guess that explains why no one in Iraq danced in the street when we reach "Mission Accomplished".

But, the videos on this site all seem to be just as biased as those in the popular media. Truth is elusive from all angles. It is incredibly unfortunate that we humans can not find a better way to settle disputes and manage cultural differences. It absolutely sucks! It just makes me sick to my stomach sometimes to think of the suffering humans inflict on other humans regardless of who or what they are fighting for. It is a sick condition we should cure.

OK, enough ranting. I apologize.


Distance: 3
Time: 29:21
Heart Rate: 150
Pace: 9:40
Weather: Partly clouding, 60 degrees

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