Sunday, November 05, 2006

Finished "Knowing the Enemy"

Mary started from the position that we should ask the Islamic extremists why they are doing what they are doing. Given this position, she demonstrated how one can take these explanations and see the historical threads that led to the conclusions used by the extremists. This made for a very interesting analysis and reading. I find Mary's description of today's events and the history that led to them compelling and convincing.

The extremists believe that they are on a path that is blessed by Allah and as such readily dismiss our forms of government. Further, they have managed to find a message that resonates with many in the Islamic world. Mary concludes the book with some reasonable advice. First, rename the "war on terror" to something that makes it clear that the war is on those that have declared jihad on America. This is not war against a tactic. Second, we need to help change the shape of the governance over most of the Arab community where the current governments are corrupt and oppressive. This does not mean invade and turn them into little America's. It does mean helping to support any initiative that puts the people in control and moves toward democratization and undermine the ability of the Jihadists to just garner continuing support.

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