Friday, April 07, 2006

3 Mile Run: Neighborhood

Bad weather is coming! Bad weather is coming!... Well, the daycare is asking us to pick up our son early due to impending bad weather. The local schools are closing early. I guess that even though doesn't show any increment weather in the area and that the skies look beautiful outside, I better get my run in early. So, I did. Well, there was horrible weather in various parts of the Southeastern US, but not really here. Seems like a lot of over-reaction.

But, it was a warm run with no trouble. I listened to the latest Best of Charlie since Adam Curry is on vacation with his family. Talk about agility. For those of you that don't listen to the show, here's what happened. Adam announced during one of his shows that he was going on vacation and that there would be no shows. A listener sent a message saying what if listeners built some "Best of Charlie" montages. And, walla walla, it happened.


Distance: 3
Time: 29:38
Heart Rate: 157
Pace: 9:52
Weather: Partly cloudy, some wind, 84 degrees

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