Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Podcast Update

  • Kim Polese, SpikeSource, talked about companies moving from using Open Source from a "Do it Yourself" to a "Do it Together" mentality. This is the second podcast of a speech by Kim that I have listened to. And, both times she delivers. I, too, believe that we are under going a culture change as it pertains to the development and integration of software. This modern age of participation and transparency is changing the way we look at software and architecture. I highly recommend this podcast.
  • Daniel Blum, Burton Group, talked about Managing Security. He does a good job of building the case of why the security is good for business and why business needs to be concerned about security. Further, he reminds us that we must be proactive and that realistic threat analysis is MUST and that some of the biggest threats work inside the firewall. Good presentation.
  • Ray Kurzweil, Kurzweil Technologies, talked with Dr. Moira Gunn about the singularity and how humans transcend biology. This was a very interesting podcast and I plan to listen to his full length discussion as referenced in this interview. One of his comments I found most memorable referred to the darwinistic view of a buffalo growing a thick and protective hide. In this view, the buffalo that were born with genes that didn't not result in warm enough hides died. The evolution took generations. For us humans, as the weather gets cold, we only need to be near on the warm buffalo. Good interview.

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