Sunday, December 04, 2005

Podcast Update: Phedippidations

I checked out Steve Runner's Phedippidations. At first, I didn't think I was going to like it. I like to run and I read Runners' World. But I typically prefer to listen to music or technical stuff when I am listening to podcasts. But, as I hung in there, I found myself getting locked into what Steve was experiencing and I couldn't turn it off. I am hooked. I will be continuing to listen in on Steve's Phedippidations. Steve, I was about to yell when you stopped near the end of the Cape Cod marathon. Good job for making it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thanks so much for the encouragement and kind words! (I feel the same way when I'm recording the goofy little podcast...I have to struggle through it with hopes that it'll be listenable!).

That CCM PodCast was particularly rough...but I hope I recorded the honest experience.

I'm just like you, I love to run...I just happen to record a show on my long runs.

Thanks again Bob! Run long and taper...

- Steve Runner