Friday, January 26, 2007

01/26/07: 5 Mile Run: Columbia, SC

I ran and there was NO pain! It was cold though. I was excited to see a comment on my post about losing my opportunity to run the Mercedes Marathon. And, wow I got a comment. Thanks for the thoughts Andrew. I am considering your advice. The idea of NOT extending my training a couple of more months is quite attractive. I do know folks going to Nashville, but not well. So, Little Rock is an option. I haven't formed a plan yet, but I am thinking about it. I am also wondering if I might still pull off running Mercedes.

The dang garwin died (batteries, I'm sure) so I ran based on time.


Distance: Not measured, at least 5
Time: 57
Heart Rate: Not measured
Pace: Not known
Weather: Clear

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Glad to hear the run went well! I've run ultra's in SC, and everytime I'm surprised how hilly it is there, so I bet ya got in a good run there :)

I'd say that you could for sure finish Mercedes, and if you have already paid for it I would try. Just back off ALL time goals. Just go for a finish. If you feel pain, walk some, you wouldn't be the only one.

With 6 hours you could come close to walking the whole thing and finish in time. The good thing with it being local, if you felt pain that was SO bad that you felt you had to stop, you COULD stop and have someone come get ya. If you were in a strange city and had to stop, you may be up a creek without a paddle.

If you want to do little rock let me know, I am planning on it (as long as I dont end up injured). we could carpool if ya wanted.