Thursday, January 25, 2007

01/25/07: Good New & Bad News

Good news: The shin is not hurting AT ALL.
Bad news: Work has taken over my every waking moment, so I am not getting any runs. I have lost the momentum I had for getting to the marathon. So, despite having got my 20 miler in, I don't think it would be wise for me to think I could bounce back from an injury that had me limping last week, skip 1.5 weeks of runs, and go out and do my marathon. I am also battling the emotional turmoil of knowing I got that damn close and had to bag it. It SUCKS!

So, now I am setting my sights on the Country Music Marathon in Nashville, TN, April 28th. I will update add a new training plan soon.

So, it sucks for now, but I am not put down yet!

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Bob, you might also look at Little Rock. I have done both, CMM is a fun race, but Little Rock was (to me) 10 times better. Plus you can extend your current training to make it to LR easily. Going for CMM would stretch the training out almost 2 months longer.

LR also has the worlds largest finishers medal weighing in at over 1 pound :)