Sunday, January 13, 2008

Jan 9-13, 2008: 4 Runs in the Birmingham, AL: 10, 5, 3 & 20 Miles

I kept up with the Daily Source Code, This American Life. I ran the 20 miler with the group of folks that run with Al DiMicco, one of our local TNT coaches. I decided that running with the group would help motivate me and keep me on pace for this longest training run for Mercedes. I would have listened to the latest Phedippidations episode, but it would have created too much difficulty to get the iPod out of the case I use on long runs while running with a crowd. And, my Motorola Motorokr S9 is messing up AGAIN. I will be sending it back for my 3rd replacement. This time the volume buttons have stopped working and the rewind button occasionally just spontaneously decides to go to the previous track. Freaking technology, eh! I love this bluetooth wireless headset stuff including the controls that are so easily available and accessible. I just wished it would last.

The episode of This American Life was quite moving. It contained a story about a Muslim family whose children were tormented at school after 9/11. Especially, after a teacher and some materials implied that ALL Muslims hate Christians and that all non-Christians go to hell. Gees, I should wish we could do better as people. I had a hard time not crying listening to the suffering the young girl in this family experienced at the hands of God fearing Christians. I don't care what one's religion is. If it doesn't teach love and tolerance, I have no use for it. PERIOD. The number of people that have died and killed in the name of God over the years is just shameful. Let's just be nice to one another and respect the right of others to worship as they see fit (assuming of course they don't start killing or tormenting those who disagree).

A great week of running, by the way. Dan was with the group for the Sunday 20 miler. So, we had a long chat. Which was made more difficult thanks to the broken controls on the headset. I did get a cramp in my left hamstring at about 17 miles when we stopped for water. I stretched and rubbed it out and all seemed well thereafter. Dan felt strong at the end and indicated he was going to add another 2 miles. Not me, I was spent. I did run hard for the last 3 miles though. There was a woman running strong at the head of the pack. I thought her pace was perfect so I stayed with her for the last 4 1/2 miles. Well, I took off for the last mile since I was feeling strong. But, she didn't lag much. It was nice to run with the group.

January Total:
81 Miles
2008 Total:
81 Miles

01/09/2008: Neighborhood
Distance: 10 Miles
Time: 1:30:16
Heart Rate: 150
Pace: 9:01
Weather: Mostly cloudy

01/11/2008: Neighborhood
Distance: 5 Miles
Time: 44:57
Heart Rate: 147
Pace: 8:59
Weather: Clear

01/12/2008: Neighborhood
Distance: 3 Miles
Time: 27:40
Heart Rate:147
Pace: 9:13
Weather: Clear

01/13/2008: Neighborhood
Distance: 20 Miles
Time: 3:09:57
Heart Rate:149
Pace: 9:29
Weather: Start of run:
Partly cloudy
End of run:
Al's 7 Miler +
13 Mile Montclair Run

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