Saturday, January 05, 2008

Jan 1-5, 2008: 4 Runs in the Neighborhood: 5,10,5 & 3 Miles

I kept up with the Daily Source Code, Phedippidations, and the This American Life. The 10 miler was VERY cold. I had 3 layers on my upper torso (a singlet, long sleeve coolmax, and a runner vest). I also wore 2 pair of gloves. I wore a underlayer of regular running gloves with my gloves that have the finger cut off with a mitten flap that can be pulled on or folded back. I was NOT over dressed, it was that cold with the wind chill. The runs were all good, but I was feeling a bit tired during the last 2.

The Iowa caucuses had interesting results. I guess I need to start checking out Obama and Huckabee more. I haven't been paying that much attention since it is still so early. I have been concerned that Obama is too much of a peace nick to take seriously. But, I need to check out his positions more deeply to formulate a sound opinion. My current opinion is based on the media's coverage and that is not much to rely on. I guess the same could be said of Huckabee as I am concerned. Honestly, I have been leaning to Ron Paul, McCain, and Hillary in that order. Ron doesn't have a chance. I like his authentiveness and libertarian views. Huckabee seems equally authentic. I would less religion in politics, so I tend to think I would ultimately rule him out. The bottom line, of course, is that I have to get busy get my self educated on these folks. Right now, I am way to biased by the the press's coverage.


January Total:
23 Miles
2008 Total:
23 Miles

01/01/2008: Neighborhood
Distance: 5 Miles
Time: 41:41
Heart Rate: 159
Pace: 8:20
Weather: Clear
Ran with Prince and Chad (met him on this run)

01/02/2008: Neighborhood
Distance: 10 Miles
Time: 1:30:08
Heart Rate: 148
Pace: 9:00
Weather: Clear

01/04/2008: Neighborhood
Distance: 5 Miles
Time: 46:46
Heart Rate:148
Pace: 9:21
Weather: Clear

01/05/2008: Neighborhood
Distance: 3 Miles
Time: 29:10
Heart Rate:142
Pace: 9:43
Weather: Mostly cloudy

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