Wednesday, July 29, 2009

July 28-August 8: Listening, Running, Cycling, Swimming, Triathlon, and Some Trips

How do you spell "busy"? Let me count the ways:
  1. Too much work
  2. Upcoming triathlon
  3. Family obligations
  4. Too much fun (really?)
OK. That's a silly list. But, I am am finding myself extremely busy and having a very hard time shuffling to ensure the right priorities get attention. I find myself feeling like an important ball that I am juggling alongside others is going to fall, break, and I will be heavily chastised by somebody.
  • Is this the way "modern" life is?
  • Is this just what happens when you have lived 50 years and you know each moment is precious and at least half of yours are behind you?
  • Are these just stupid questions and like Candide, I should just conclude that questioning is fruitless and I should just work my garden?

Well, I went to my brother's funeral. I saw members of the family I have not seen in a while. Most interestingly, I saw my niece, his daughter, whom I had not seen in about 24 years. She said things that I say as it relates to one's relationship with their family. It reminded me so much of the core family issues I have seemingly successfully left behind. The bothersome bit was the realization that they were present in the next generation, hers. One of my goals, as I am sure it is for many, is to end those things I wished I had never experienced before they were experienced by the generation I directly help create (my children). I think I have done well. It hurt me to know they were still visiting my niece. Leave's me still struggling with "Am I my brother's keeper?" But, my conversations with her did remind me that despite all, I have made really good choices in my life. My brother and I started in very similar circumstances, but made very different choices. The sadness I felt at his funeral were both for his life and his death. I was sad that he had not been a better pilot of his life and that it had ended so early. These 2 things were related. I'm not sure I or others helped him enough when he needed it, but many did try. My thoughts go to his daughter and her children. After years of not knowing where they were, I am glad we are in contact now and I plan to ensure that remains so.

Alright, got the stress and the sad off my chest. Let's move on to happier topics.

Last weekend the family and I spent the weekend in Atlanta, Georgia. We went to Six Flags and the Aquarium. We had a blast as you can see in these pictures I posted on Flickr (the first group are from my camera and the second group is from Betsy's):

I also completed the Mountain Lakes Triathlon in Guntersville, AL. I met J. and Kate in the registration line; that was awesome. This was our first face-to-face greeting. I never saw them again, but the place was packed and there was lots of hustle/bustle getting ready, doing the event, and such. I'm sure we will see each other at other events and J. is sharing his training groups training meet ups with me via email. Since I typically ride on Saturday, run on Sunday, and can't get far from the house and work Monday-Friday and his group meets up on Thursday to run, and Sunday to ride, I'm not sure our schedules will line up. But, I would like to participate in group rides more than I do, so I am contemplating how to change. Maybe, I will start running with my friend's, Prince, group on Saturday. Any way, the triathlon was an absolute blast and a reminder that I need to work on my swimming! I was 35 of 35 in my age group for the swim, 9 of 35 for bike, and 13 of 35 for run. I will be working on my swimming for the next 6-9 months before I do another triathlon. But, I am hooked now. Here's some pictures from the event from my Flickr page (I almost regret the last picture!):

Podcast Listening

IT Conversations
.Net Rocks
Software Engineering Radio
This American Life
Cranky Geeks

Exercise Data

August 8, 2009: Guntersville, AL
Mountain Lakes Triathlon
Time: 1:36:25
SwimDistance: 600 Yards Time: 19:08
TransitionTime: 3:05
CycleDistance: 16.2
Time: 47:04
Rate: 20.65
TransitionTime: 1:55
RunDistance: 3.1 Miles
Time: 25:16
Pace: 8:09

August 7, 2009: Birmingham, AL
Distance: 3 Miles
Time: 28:18
Heart Rate: 144
Pace: 9:22
Weather: Clear

August 6, 2009: Birmingham, AL
Distance: 600 Yards
Time: 16:06 minutes

August 5, 2009: Birmingham, AL
I found $20 along the way :)
Distance: 6.21 Miles
Time: 59:50
Heart Rate: 139
Pace: 9:38
Weather: Clear

August 4, 2009: Birmingham, AL
Distance: 3 Miles
Time: 29:04
Heart Rate: 136
Pace: 9:41
Weather: Partly cloudy
YMCA, Birmingham, AL
Distance: 600 Yards
Time: 17:20

August 3, 2009: Birmingham, AL
Distance: 600 Yards
Time: 17:18 minutes

August 2, 2009: Atlanta, GA
CNN Omni Center
Distance: 13 Miles
Time: 2:11:39
Heart Rate: 142
Pace: 10:07
Weather: Mostly cloudy

I think I ran through a drug selling operation. There were about 20 people hanging out on both sides of the street at 5:40 am. One guy ran to another guy on a bike and I swear they did that little hand exchange money for little plastic bag. They ignored me and I was pleased.

August 1, 2009: Atlanta, GA
CNN Omni Center
Distance: 3.08 Miles
Time: 27:00
Heart Rate: 145
Pace: 8:45
Weather: Mostly cloudy

July 30, 2009: Birmingham, AL
Distance: 3 Miles
Time: 27:38
Heart Rate: 152
Pace: 9:12
Weather: Haze

July 29, 2009: San Antonio, TX
Holiday Inn Express near my cousin Sherry's place
I think I stepped on a dead skunk, but I didn't get any stink. I did slide a litte. Gross!
Distance: 6.1 Miles
Time: 57:04
Heart Rate: 150
Pace: 9:21
Weather: Overcast

July 28, 2009: San Antonio, TX
Holiday Inn Express near my cousin Sherry's place
Distance: 3.09 Miles
Time: 27:52
Heart Rate: Forgot to put on the monitor
Pace: 9:01
Weather: Mostly cloudy

1 comment:

Bob Evans said...

1 Correction. I did see Kate after the registration line. I thought about this while running this week. She was cheering on swimmers including me as I came out of the water. As I know she knows how I struggle with the swim, it was quite encouraging.