Friday, June 08, 2007

06/08/07: 7.5 Mile Run: Neighborhood

I listened to show 100 of Phedippidations. Steve focused on things related to why he runs and used the opportunity to reflect on 100 shows to introduce us more to himself. I enjoyed the show and he mentioned Richard Dawkins who I had read about earlier this year in a Wired Magazine article, The Church of the Non-Believers. What struck me most in this context, was not the core theistic/atheistic arguments, but more about the notion that respecting religious faith because, well, it's religious faith can lead to some startling conclusions. Like respecting the beliefs of Bin Laden. Whether declarations of the pope or fatwahs of a cleric, we must consider their impact on human behavior and the reasonableness of that impact and its results. As the article says, some types of worship and practices are inconsistent with basic rights. There may be a slippery slope to climb separately the good from the bad. But, I do respect Steve's choices and like the author of the aforementioned article, I am not prepared to take the position of the atheists interviewed for the article including Dawkins.

I bumped into Larry and Prince, a couple of runners in the neighborhood, after 2 laps around the lake, so I joined them and extended this run by 2.5 miles. It was fun to chat with them. I hadn't run with them since the Mercedes Marathon in February.


Heart Rate:163

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