Friday, May 04, 2007

05/02/07: 6 Mile Run: Neighborhood

I listened to the latest Phedippidations during this late afternoon run. This episode focused on runners' first experiences with road races, especially marathons. The point Steve was making was that these events were like rites of passage, he didn't use this term. Like rites of passage, runners never forget the first race, the first 1/2 marathon, or the first marathon. I can tell you that I nearly cried at the end of my first marathon. It was a deeply emotional experience. The only thing that stopped me was the marine saying "congratulations sir". I couldn't cry in front of a marine, by God.

I caught wind of the HD DVD secret code hooplah. What a hoot! Just goes to show that you should piss off a geek! One of buddies in grad school stole my Mac and left a ransom note. (I was the geek he pissed off). I went to his computer and changed all colors (foreground and background) to black after memorizing the key strokes to undo my changes. And, left a note indicating that if he wanted access to his Thesis which he was to defend in a few weeks, my Mac needed to be returned. He said he even cleaned the Mac for me. LOL. Oh yeah, this was before Windows was much to think about. Imagine a purely text OS!


Heart Rate:148
Weather:Few Clouds

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