Sunday, September 06, 2009

Sep 1-6: Running, Cycling, Swimming, Eating Right, and Socialism

I cycled with a much smaller group this week. It was raining. This made for a few interesting moments including several times with my back tire fish-tailed several times while approaching stops: it was a little scary. Then , at one point a car decided to pass another car on a bend going up hill. A truck was coming the other way. The truck veered off the road, into a culvert, and over some sizable boulders. But, we were all OK. It is amazing to see what some drivers will attempt to do to save 20 seconds. Stay safe people! I am not having any trouble with the 40-50 mile distances.

The swimming is coming along good. The all kick workout (1/2 mile long) was a real challenge. My hamstrings are still a bit tight. But, I do think I am making progress.

Political Rant: Mr. Obama, you are welcome to talk to my child. I can not believe the ferocity by which some people are paranoid that 15 minutes of speech and what amounts to a little homework assignment is going to turn our children into little socialists. And, the comparisons to Hitler and such are simply ridiculous and way out of hand. Give me a break! Glenn Beck's zealous preaching seems to be ruling the wisdom of some. I hope I am able to demonstrate to my son as he ages that it is OK to listen to all sides and come to your own conclusion. I am not worried about my ability to influence his political views, despite any politicians activities, while my son is 6. I have a bit more influence. Oh, I do trust Mr. Obama to talk to my child anyway. Now, if it was Dick Cheney, I want my son removed from the room and all subsequent discussion stricken from the halls of education. Dick is who we should fear.

Podcast Listening

This American Life
.Net Rocks
Cranky Geeks
Fitness Rocks (I was glad to see a show pop up in iTunes! Dr. Ladner has not recorded one in months)
  • 140: Is Exercise Making us Fat? a rebuttal to TIME magazine
    [Why Exercise Won't Make You Thin by John Cloud] Dr. Monte Ladner, M.D. and his guest, Dr. Church who was an author of one of the papers John Cloud references, describe how John cherry picked lines from the study while ignoring its major conclusions. They go on to point out how John ignored much of the evidence in the field and reached erroneous conclusions as a result. I found it to be an interesting debate. No surprises in the grand scheme. If you want to live a healthy life, eat right and exercise. It is not an either-or dichotomy. It ain't rocket science.

Exercise Data

September 6, 2009: Birmingham, AL
Distance: 12.89 Miles
Time: 2:06:53
Heart Rate: 141
Pace: 9:50
Weather: Overcast

September 5, 2009: Birmingham, AL
Brownell - Lakeshore - Ross Bridge - Shades Crest - Homewood
Distance: 45.16 Miles
Time: 2:46:16
Heart Rate: 136
Speed: 16.30 mph
Weather: Rain

September 4, 2009: Birmingham, AL
Distance: 1000 Yards
Workout 4 X 50 yards even laps-sprint odd laps-smooth, work on stroke
200 yards kick, with or without board
200 yards free, easy!
4 X 50 yards even laps-work on arms, odd laps-work on legs
100 yards sprint
100 yards easy

September 2, 2009: Birmingham, AL
I saw a copperhead snake in the road near Mt Laurel Elementary.
Distance: 6.22 Miles
Time: 56:30
Heart Rate: 145
Pace: 9:05
Weather: Mostly cloudy
YMCA, Birmingham, AL
Distance: 1000 Yards
Kick Workout:
With a board,
no arms
100 yards free kick
4 X 50 yards increase speed with each lap
200 yards easy kick
100 yards sprint kick
4 X 50 yards decrease speed with each lap
100 yards sprint
100 yards easy free

September 1, 2009: Birmingham, AL
Distance: 3 Miles
Time: 28:52
Heart Rate: 137
Pace: 9:37
Weather: Overcast


kate said...

Bob. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your commentary about President Obama's speech. Amen.

John says he hopes you can make it to the ride this weekend!!

Have a good Friday!

K & J

Bob Evans said...

I will be mud-runningin SC. This weekend. I will rejoin the ride week hopefully.