Sunday, December 31, 2006

12/31/06: 13 Mile Run: Brownell-Montclair

No Judy today due to rain. As it turned out, the first 9 miles were dry and comfortable, but I did get soaked in the last 4 miles. I listened to TPN Rock which is a new podcast to my subscription. I like it quite well. I got introduced to the idea by Accident Hash (actually Accident Mash which features hosts from both shows). Anyway, it made for good music for the run.


Distance:13 Miles
Heart Rate:156
Route:13 Mile Montclair Run

Saturday, December 30, 2006

We Should Not Celebrate Killing

Amongst the dancing in the street and George Bush's statements, I just want to say that killing a man (yes, even an evil man) is not something to celebrate. It may be necessary. It may be the right (no, make that the "best") thing to do. But, it is not something to celebrate. Let's hope that others can learn from justice and choose paths that don't result in killing. Saddam got his justice, but we should have mercy on his soul and have wished for him a better path from his birth to his death. A better path that would not have led to groups of people choosing to kill him.

In fact, as I think of mass graves created at the order to kill as offered by Saddam, I am also faced with the presentation of the killing chambers in operation in Iraq now. Is there a chance that all that has happened is that the decision makers have changed and the killing continues? Humans are so vicious!

I bumped into the gem looking for the aforementioned reference. Economics, religion, class, justice, oh the convoluted relationships.

12/30/06: 4 Mile Run: Neighborhood

I neglected to mention that while I was running yesterday, I watched a great blue heron land in the top of a tree around our lake. It was a majestic site. Today, I swear I saw a Muscovy Duck in our lake despite Alabama not being a native habitat for Muscovies from what I can find. Very cool, if you ask me.

As to the run, I was slow, but steady. I listened to the last Daily Source Code for the year. Adam claims he is going to blog more this coming year. I hope so. I was disappointed when he decided to reduce the content of his show notes because some listeners were using them to determine whether to listen or not. For me, the show notes were a great source for reminding me what I had listened to. I used them to remind myself what I might want to comment about here. I frequently create these blog entries hours after I run. So, reminders are handy. Adam's decision to reduce show notes was nothing but a downer for me.


Distance:4 Miles
Heart Rate:153
I thought it was windy despite the National Weather Service's assertion that wind speeds were only 7 mph

12/29/06: 5 Mile Run: Neighborhood

No glitches; no GPS; no Creative Zen. Humm..., well there weren't any glitches, but it probably isn't that simple. I ran with the heart rate monitor and the iPod Nano. I listened to the latest Phedippidations which was pretty much a best-of with a lot of focus on Steve's skits over the last year. Not totally my cup of tea, but that's ok. Steve's show consistently delivers quality so I don't mind a little divergence every now and then. I didn't skip ahead or interrupt so I must have gotten something out of it. Good year Steve!
As to the run, I was slow, but steady. After being sick and then just jumping back in, I am keeping my expectations a little lower than they would be if my training had not been interrupted. I got my cholesterol levels checked today, but I won't know the numbers until next week. I haven't had them checked since the 80's so I am a bit nervous.


Distance:5 Miles
Heart Rate:152

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

12/27/06: 10 Mile Run: Neighborhood

Another technical glitch. This time it was my fault, no doubt. I only had 2 podcasts loaded up on the iPod and the total time was less than 1 hour. So, I took the Creative and assumed I would listen to music. But, the Creative's battery indicator indicated that it was low. But, I thought I might get lucky. I didn't. It died within the first mile.

The saddest part was that this was a mental run. In other words, I was running despite that fact that I really didn't feel like it. But, as it turns out I ran fine. I did get passed by another run, but hey, I am not the fastest runner on the road and I know it. The Timex/Garwin unit worked again and now I know the 10 mile turn around point (remember that last time I overshot the turn around point and almost ran 11 miles).

The quads did not feel bad at all.


Distance:10 Miles
Heart Rate:Not measured

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

12/26/06: 5 Mile Run: Demopolis, AL

I listened to Accident Hash during this run. My quads are still complaining but not strong enough to prevent running. I am hoping it is not anything to worry about. Tomorrow I run 10 miles. So, that should be telling. The Timex/Garwin "Time and Distance" system did agree with gmap-pedometer today.


Heart Rate:Not measured
Weather:Mostly cloudy

Monday, December 25, 2006

12/24/06: 15 Mile Run + 2 Mile Walk:Demopolis, AL

This was supposed to be a 17 mile run. I used the Timex/Garwin Time and Distance system again. This time it screwed up again due to user error. You can't just turn on the GPS unit, put the watch on, set it to Chronograph, and press start. OK, I know you would think so, but no. You have to set to see one of the various readings that would require the GPS for the watch to know that you wish to use the GPS too. But, given yesterday's performance, I had measured the route with a car as a backup. So, no big deal. It did irritate me

As for the run, I listened to the random selections from the Creative Zen. I ran well for the first 8-9 miles. At which point, I started feeling some soreness in my quads. I made it to 15 miles and just couldn't push my legs to run anymore. So, I walked the last 2 miles. I am disappointed but in the grand scheme with the pneumonia and all, I am fairly pleased. I think I will try 17 again next weekend and if I get it in consider it good.


Distance:15 Miles + 2 miles walking
Heart Rate:Not measured
Weather:Mostly cloudy

Saturday, December 23, 2006

12/23/06: 3.4 Mile Run: Demopolis, AL

This was supposed to be a 4 mile run. I used the Timex/Garwin Time and Distance system, but things were screwy once I got to the 2 mile mark according to the watch. It indicated that I had been running 7:15 miles. No way! I was feeling good, but not that good. But, sometimes your body can fool you. So, I turned around and ran back. At the finish, the watch said 3.5 miles. I thought, yeah I thought so! So, I added another 1/2 mile according to the same equipment. Well, when it was all said and done, I was .6 miles short according to gmap-pedometer. So, I assumed the chronongraph portion of the watch worked and used the mileage report by gmap for the "official" log entry. Stupid technology strikes again.

Speaking of stupid technology, Apple should take a lesson from Google. I had to reinstall my Toshiba laptop as I mentioned earlier. As a result, I installed iTunes on one of my other computers and set up my podcast subscriptions. I downloaded the episodes I had not listened to yet and plugged up the iPod. Did Apple go "hey, do you want to keep what's on your iPod?" or "would you like to update your library and your iPod such that any unique show on either is replicated to the other?". NO! It says you can only sync with 1 computer so if you continue, your iPod contents will be erased. Thanks Apple, you dumbass. That is not what I want. Somebody give me a podcatcher to update my iPod that gives me what I want and takes Apple's crap off my computer. iTunes sucks if you ask me. I love the iPod though.

Back to the run. I listened to the latest Daily Source Codes and my legs felt better than yestereday. I find it amazing that the body some how accomodates the loads we throw at it. Today's run felt good despite the slow pace.


Distance:3.4 Miles
Heart Rate:Not measured

Friday, December 22, 2006

12/22/06: 6 Mile Run: Neighborhood

I ran while listening to a random selection of tunes on the Creative Zen Sleek. I was not able to update the iPod with Podcasts because the harddrive on my Toshiba Protege went tits up again. OK, I know you are thinking what is "tits up". I got that in the military and it means the Toshiba's harddrive died. You know, fell on its back with ... Anyway, I tried repeatedly to recover with no luck until I took the harddrive out and cleaned the contacts. So, now I am rebuilding it again. Oh, the Toshiba went down while loading the Creative. The Creative started reporting a firmware problem and I didn't seem to be able to reload it. Thus, I was think I would be able to add a new big iPod to my list for Christmas. But, damn if I didn't fix it.

As for the run, it was fine but my quads are still saying "man, you be working us hard". So, I am still a little slow, but that's ok. It was wet, but not cold. In fact, I had to drop some clothes along the way (I picked 'em up later) as it was so warm. All in all, a good run. This is the most mileage during the week for my Mercedes training schedule, so I am not going to worry about speed or a little soreness. There was a wreck on the road near where I come of the neighborhood. I went the other way so I didn't get to see any details.


Distance:6 Miles
Heart Rate:160
Weather:Light rain

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

12/20/06: 11 Mile Run: Neighborhood

I ran while listening to show 515 of the Daily Source Code and Accident Hash. I only intended to run 10 miles, but near the middle I must have gotten absorbed and I ran right through to nearly 5.5 miles. That's ok, I just shorten tomorrow's run. I did have a very scary experience. A car passed a school bus just as they both went by me on the 2 lane road upon which I was running. I didn't like it.

My legs are a bit tired and sore and I walked a bit of the last hill, but that's ok.


Distance: 10.78 Miles
Time: 1:54:59 (too slow for Gabriel)
Heart Rate: Not measured (used GPS today)
Pace: 10:39
Weather: Clear

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

12/19/06: 7 Mile Run: Neighborhood

I ran while listening to Accident Mash # 3 as pulled with my Accident Hash subscription. If I find more time in my listening schedule, I have to add the TPN Rock podcast (this is the other half of the Acccident Mash). Judging by his commentary and musical selections, the host TPN Rock, Ewan Spence, and I have a lot in common. I also finished the rest of the Uncle Seth Live at the U-Turn Cafe, also downloaded as part of my Accident Hash subscription. As C.C. says, "all good."

I am back on the marathon schedule, proper. So, I ran 7 miles this morning and 10 miles tomorrow. I did skip the gym yesterday as I have some DOMS, delayed onset of muscle soreness, in my quads. It will pass, but I don't want to overdo it. Running in shorts and a singlet in December; you have to love living in the south.


Distance: 7 Miles
Time: 1:12:17 (too slow for Gabriel)
Heart Rate: Not measured (used GPS today)
Pace: 10:17
Weather: Clear

Sunday, December 17, 2006

12/17/06: 8.5 Mile Run: Brownell - Shades Creek

I met Judy at 6:30 am as usual. I am a bit sore, leg muscle soreness. Judy took off in the last 2 miles. My goal was simply to run and see if my body is ready for more. I am planning to pick right back up on the schedule this week. That would be the schedule for the Mercedes Marathon. I think I am ready. I sure hope so.


Distance: 8.5 Miles
Time: 1:24:03
Heart Rate: 152
Pace: 9:53
Weather: Clear
Route: The usual 8.5 Miler

12/16/06: Running Again: Meadow Brook 5K

I listened to the Daily Source Code and ran this 5K at a leisurely pace as planned. I think I am back! Yeppee. I have never been as sick as I was last week. It felt good to run again. I have run this race quite a few times and it is one that I try to make each year. It is sponsored by a Meadow Brook Baptist Church. They release doves at the beginning and adverstise their Jesus tapes. I haven't seen it, but it is some sort of video that they apparently use as some sort of evangelical tool. I am just there to run and they are nice folks.


Distance: 3.1 Miles
Time: 29:43
Heart Rate: I forgot to record it before I started the next run
Pace: 9:35
Weather: Clear

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

12/04/06: Pneumonia Put Me Down

You are likely asking "what happened to Bob's runs?" Well, I got pneumonia and I have never felt so ill. I am starting to feel normal now, 12/13/06. But, I suspect I will not be running the full marathon at Mercedes. My training has been severely impacted. Which just sucks since I was doing so well. But, I should be able to do the 1/2 marathon. I will start planning for a full somewhere else.

Monday, December 04, 2006

12/03/06: 16 Mile Run: Demopolis

Well, the wife's advice worked out. I ran my 16 miler without any trouble. OK, I am tired, but that's expected. So, I am quite pleased with the results.


Distance: 16 Miles
Time: 2:30:20
Heart Rate: Not Measured
Pace: 9:23
Weather: Clear
Route: 16 Mile Run

11/28-12/02/06: Running In Lots of Places

I have been so busy with vacationing, returning home, working, and celebrating Christmas on the River in Demopolis, Alabama that getting to this blog has been impossible. So, let me just catch up in 1 big post. I completed a few more runs in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico. I changed my planned routes to include 5th Avenue which is the shopping, restaurant ladden route in Playa Del Carmen. I posted some pictures on Flickr. We did have a good time. And, there were some especially interesting bits. For example, I was laying in a hammock on our rooms deck reading when all of a sudden I heard a women moaning the clear throngs of passion. I gotta tell you that this got my attention.

We saw Tulum a beach side Mayan ruin that was just awesome. We snorkled along a reef, a lagoon, and in a cenote. All of this was arranged and managed by EdVenture Tours which I just couldn't recommend more strongly. The cenote was basically the entrance to a flooded cave that was once dry. Thus, there were under water formations. It was very cool. The lagoon was next to a beautiful garden that was very well maintained and well populated with sculptures. The snorkeling here including seeing large parrot fish and a barracuda. The trip was wonderful.


11/28/06: Playa Del Carmen, Mexico

Distance: 5 Miles
Time: 49:07
Heart Rate: Not Measured
Pace: 9:49
Weather: Few Clouds
Route: 5 Mile Run


11/29/06: Playa Del Carmen, Mexico
The Garwin GPS unit died at about 1.5 miles. I am hoping it was just batteries. So, I just ran based on time. I assumed a very slow pace of 10 minutes per mile and turned around at 40 minutes.

Distance: 8 Miles (estimated)
Time: 1:20:00
Heart Rate: Not Measured
Pace: 10:00
Weather: Mostly Cloudy
Route: 8 Mile Run

Being the only runner on a vacation with 8 other people really makes it difficult to fit in runs. The group has no problem scheduling activities such that it is difficult to fit runs in. But, I think I did pretty good by only missing 1 run. Allbeit, I missed the longest run of the week. I was all perplexed about how I was going to make up for it. I was supposed to run 15 last Sunday and 17 this Sunday (12/03/06). After complaining and mentioning it to the wife, she said why don't you just run 16 this week. Now, that was such a simple and beautiful compromise. I wished I could've/would've thougth of it. Well, that is what I am planning to do.

So, we go back home alright. I ran my 6 mile out and back route in the neighborhood on Friday.


12/01/06: Neighborhood
It was cold which is such a shock to the system after Mexico. But, I have to admit the body found the cooler temperature a welcome change back.

Distance: 6 Miles
Time: 58:23
Heart Rate: Not Measured
Pace: 9:43
Weather: Mostly Cloudy

After working the rest of the day, we headed off to Demopolis, Alabma for several things. Not least of which, we were heading to grandmamma's and granddaddy's where my son has been. Yes, we haven't seen him in a week. And, we missed him terribly. This weekend is also the annual Christmas on the River celebration in Demopolis. This celebration started back in 1972 when a good friend of our family and another fellow decided to add this celebration after seeing celebrations in other parts of the country.

Friday night is a dedicated to a big barbeque (which we arrived too late to enjoy). Saturday brings the annual Jingle Bell Run, the traditional, land-based parade, and the evening float parade on the river with accompanying fireworks. I ran the Jinble Bell Run.


12/02/06: Jingle Bell Run in Demopolis, Alabama

Distance: 3.1 Miles
Time: 26:46
Heart Rate: Not Measured
Pace: 8:38
Weather: Partly Cloudy

Saturday, November 25, 2006

11/25/06: 4 Mile Run: Playa Del Carmen, Mexico

That's right, Playa Del Carmen, Mexico. We took some vacation and are hanging out out the beach here with some friends from South Carolina, USA. No TVs, but the lobby has free wireless. Thus, I am still logging my runs and noticing that Steve Runner enjoyed my slam on Gabriel who despises slowpokes. I did not take a MP3 player on this run although I have it with me. I wanted this first run to be one where I just soaked in my surroundings. It was good. I enjoyed running and noticing all of the foreign sounds, sights, and smells. This area is like an oasis in the jungle and I thoroughly enjoyed the run.


Distance: 4 Miles
Time: 38:24
Heart Rate: Not Measured
Pace: 9:36
Weather: Few Clouds
Route: 4 Mile Run

Thursday, November 23, 2006

11/23/06: 10K Run: Montclair Turkey Trot

Judy and I had planned to meet to run this one. I also bumped into Larry and Prince, the two guys I met who run and live in my neighborhood. It was good to see and chat with them as well. I ran faster than I expected expecially since I had run 8 miles less than 24 hours before. I was pleased. Judy, Larry, and Prince all ran faster than they expected and faster than I. In this group, I am the slowpoke. I listened to the Accident Hash and heard good tunes to drive the run. Fortunately, I did not hear much of the festive music during the run. I don't mind the festive music, just prefer it outside the venue of running.


Distance: 6.2 Miles
Time: 55:03
Heart Rate: 160
Pace: 8:52
Weather: Clear
Route: Montclair Turkey Trot (approximation)

Microsoft Vista Experience (so far)

I loaded Microsoft's Vista operating system last weekend (11/18-19/2006), and yes it took 2 days. I put it on a machine that was runnning Redhat's Fedora. So, I thought fine, I would boot the machine with the Vista DVD. NO LUCK. A windows install exe is not going to launch from Fedora. So, I loaded Windows Server 2003 from its installation CD which was bootable. NO LUCK, Vista in stall said must be Windows 2000 or XP. So, I loaded XP, then launched Vista Install. Walla Walla! Got Vista running.

I haven't used it as my main computer yet, but I am liking it so far. Although, I haven't seen anything earth shattering. The sidebar is cool, but hardly innovative. Didn't Windows 95 have something like this for a brief time. I did start ripping CDs to fill up the 15 GBytes of wasted space on my Creative Zen. I found a nice feature in Media Player 11 on Vista. You could tell it to rip on load and eject when done. This made mindless ripping easy. Everytime the door on the CD player opens, switch CD. But, Media Player starts ripping the first track before the track's info is loaded and it gets ripped without the info used by the player for organization. So, I had to turn off auto-rip. Fix this, Microsoft!

11/22/06: 8 Mile Run: Neighborhood

Another way out and back (not around the lake run). I listened to the Daily Source Code and Phedippidations. Steve indicated that the next show is going to be a rant about an article by Gabriel Sherman, Running with Slowpokes, which looks like it deserves to be bashed some. I can't wait to hear. May Gabriel trip in front of me some day! And, by the way, Gabriel, I may be a slowpoke, but I'm not an asshole. And, your article made me think I should write "Living with Assholes: How Assholes Ruined the Gene Pool". OK, I ranted following Steve's lead.

As to today's run, I had planned to run this morning but work got ahead of the run. So, I put it off for the afternoon. I still had on my clothes for a run in 36° temperatures, but the temperature had climbed to 62°. So, I had to change into fewer and shorter running clothes. A good run nonetheless.


Distance: 8 Miles
Time: 1:15:23 (too slow for Gabriel)
Heart Rate: 151
Pace: 9:40
Weather: Clear

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

11/21/06: 5 Mile Run: Neighborhood

I was caught up on Podcasts, so I took the Creative Zen that has my ripped music collection. I put it in shuffle mode and let the tunes just flow. Privilege by Incubus and Pink Floyd's Animals were 2 I can remember as especially enjoyable. It was a very cold run! Oh, and no soreness. So, I guess the discomfort on Sunday is a non-issue. Yeppee!


Distance: 5 Miles
Time: 49:44
Heart Rate: 147
Pace: 9:56
Weather: Clear

Sunday, November 19, 2006

11/19/06: 13 Mile Run: Brownell-Montclair

No Judy today. She was in Atlanta last night and went to see James Taylor. I had listened to all of my usual podcasts, so I loaded up three CD's I recently purchased and they finished about 45 seconds after I finished running. Here's the list:

I have always thoroughly enjoyred running to Alien Ant Farms' Anthology, so I expected this one to be equally good. I was not disappointed. It was sort of more of the same, but the same is good in this case. OK Go, I bought because of that wonderful Treadmill video for Here It Goes Again, but my favorite song  was actually Maybe, This Time. Good music. But, the All-American Rejects was by far my favorite of the three. They provided an upbeat and different vibe that I just plain appreciated. And, I am glad they were queued up for the hardest part of the run.

It was cold today (36° degrees at the beginning of the run) and I felt a little discomfort just above my right ankle, on the inside of the leg. I am hoping it is just because I have had run 4 days in a row with a Muscle Works work out to boot. Tomorrow is a day of rest (and well deserved).


Distance: 13 Miles
Time: 2:07:39
Heart Rate: 152
Pace: 9:49
Weather: Few Clouds
Route: 13 Mile Montclair Run

Saturday, November 18, 2006

11/18/06: 4 Mile Run: Neighborhood

Today, I circled the lake twice. Along the way I listened to the Daily Source Code, and Accident Hash. I posted a comment on the Daily Source Code as Adam was having some folder option issues in Windows, but after listening to the show, I discovered he found the solution already. Good for him. Wishbone Ash has joined the PodShow Music Network and Adam played on the Souce Code. Man, I haven't thought about that group for a long time. Very cool.

C.C. Chapman is off to London and this show, Accident Hash, was awesome. I especially liked the Munk and David McMillin tracks. Thanks CC. 


Distance: 4 Miles
Time: 40:42
Heart Rate: 147
Pace: 10:10
Weather: Few clouds

Friday, November 17, 2006

11/17/06: 6 Mile Run: Neighborhood

Another way out and back (not around the lake run). I listened to the Daily Source Code, Phedippidations, and Accident Hash. I checked out this week's blog of the week (from Phedippidations), Man, it makes me realize that I can be too brief perhaps. I don't get very expressive about my experiences along the run. Frankly, I am not good at that kind of exposition. I respect those who are. Also, Steve indicated in this show, # 71-The Cost of Running, that he doesn't really have to have all the gear he as. He was talking specifically about things like his heart rate monitor, GPS, etc. I say, "Oh, contrare!" Thes gizmos are absolutely required, lol! 


Distance: 6 Miles
Time: 1:00:08
Heart Rate: 145
Pace: 10:01
Weather: Clear

Thursday, November 16, 2006

11/16/06: 8 Mile Run: Neighborhood

Another way out and back (not around the lake run). I listened to the Daily Source Code and Accident Hash. Don't have enough time to say much. It was cold and wet.


Distance: 8 Miles
Time: 1:20:48
Heart Rate: 145
Pace: 10:05
Weather: Light rain

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

11/14/06: 5 Mile Run: Neighborhood

I listened to the latest Daily Source Code. After reacting to Podshow being bashed by some other podcasters, they all made up and had a love fest. All over a new show. I hate to say it, but it sure seems contrived. But, it was entertaining regardless.


Distance: 5 Miles
Time: 50:16
Heart Rate: 146
Pace: 10:03
Weather: Clear

Sunday, November 12, 2006

11/12/06: 11 Mile Run: Brownell-Shades Creek Loop

Judy didn't make it today. She indicated yesterday that she was having some hamstring and glut pain. So, she expected to take a day off. So, I put the ear phones in the Creative Zen Sleek and let the random selections flow while I ran. It felt like a good and steady run.

Have I failed to mention that I am pleased that Rumsfeld is stepping down. May the next guy convey less arrogance and more inclusiveness in the world. Oh, and get off the cheap!


Distance: 11 Miles
Time: 1:47:31
Heart Rate: 146
Pace: 9:46
Weather: Clear
Route: 10.5 Mile Loop +
.5 Mile Add-On

Saturday, November 11, 2006

11/11/06: 3 Mile Run: Neighborhood

I caught on all this week's Daily Source Code episodes. Adam admitted that he was in a bad mood. Good for him! The number one thing I like about his show is his transparency and authenticity. He shares far more than I would, but he is clearly a human being and worthy of respect.

While chopping wood today, I listened to the latest Phedippidations. Steve proclaimed this blog the blog of the week! I have to admit that struck my ego. It is nice to think my ramblings do at least entertain someone. In fact, Steve often refers to his show as "this goofy little podcast" or something very close to that. Talk about goofy, this is kind of how I feel about this blog. I just ramble my thoughts and log my runs.

He read the header stuff and such as he described my blog. I do wonder if I question stuff enough. I find myself so absorbed with work and family that it is hard for me to get too deep. I also seem to have better thoughts and more expansive dialogues when I am running. Yet, when the run is over I can't seem to recreate the chain that was in my head. I keep thinking that perhaps I should take my iRiver along just to capture my ideas when they come. We'll see if I ever do.

Thanks Steve!


Distance: 3 Miles
Time: 30:17
Heart Rate: 142
Pace: 10:06
Weather: Cloudy

Friday, November 10, 2006

11/10/06: 6 Mile Run: Neighborhood

After several days of no new Daily Source Code episodes, I discovered that new PodShow updates had killed My Channel. So, I wasn't getting updates. I subscribed to the show separately and got the latest shows. So, I had some to listen to this morning. Adam and Patricia did  a show together. She said he was in a bad mood. He denied it claiming he was just stressed. He sure sounded like he was in a bad mood. If one is stressed and showing signs of irratibility, that is a bad mood.


Distance: 6.015 Miles
Time: 59:15
Heart Rate: Not measured used GPS
Pace: 9:51
Weather: Clear

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

11/08/06: 8 Mile Run: Neighborhood

Another run during whichI put the Creative Zen Sleek on random mode and listened to music. Weather was a lot nicer this morning as compared to yesterday. I didn't circle the lake multiple times. I ran down highway 41 using a new finger light I bought for $1.98 at Wal-Mart. It has a velco strip designed to go around a finger. It has several modes included flash. It is very light and bright. I used to carry a small flashlight. This frees up my grip and it worked great!

The election is over and my fellow Americans have joined me in saying "It's time for a change!" Let's hope we really get one and that we start making a difference. We need to fight the jihadists straight on while embracing good willed Muslims. We need to lead demonstrating that problems can be solved without killing. Let's do it! Oh, I still believe we are right in killing those who would kill us. But, for me, that does not include some of what we have done in Iraq. Time to make it right or as right as we can.


Distance: 8 Miles
Time: 1:19:44
Heart Rate: Not measured used GPS
Pace: 9:57
Weather: Cloudy

11/07/06: 5 Mile Run: Neighborhood

Today is  my youngest son's Birthday. Happy Birthday, John!

I listened to the latest Daily Source Code. During this one, Adam refers to getting points added to his license due to speeding tickets as a scam. OK, I speed some and I hate getting tickets, but it is the same law for everyone and you can choose not to speed. It ain't a scam. It's an attempt to motivate people to drive the speed limit or less. Statistics do fairly well demonstrate a strong relationship between fatal car crashes and speed. So, Adam welcome to the same world the rest of us live in. Hey, maybe they should change the model and let you pay more for your speeding tickets to subsidize the rest of us poor souls. OK, I am being a bit of a smartass. But, sometimes Adam's attitude needs adjusting.


Distance: 5 Miles
Time: 52:03
Heart Rate: 150
Pace: 10:24 (oh, so slow)
Weather: Raining

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Finished "Knowing the Enemy"

Mary started from the position that we should ask the Islamic extremists why they are doing what they are doing. Given this position, she demonstrated how one can take these explanations and see the historical threads that led to the conclusions used by the extremists. This made for a very interesting analysis and reading. I find Mary's description of today's events and the history that led to them compelling and convincing.

The extremists believe that they are on a path that is blessed by Allah and as such readily dismiss our forms of government. Further, they have managed to find a message that resonates with many in the Islamic world. Mary concludes the book with some reasonable advice. First, rename the "war on terror" to something that makes it clear that the war is on those that have declared jihad on America. This is not war against a tactic. Second, we need to help change the shape of the governance over most of the Arab community where the current governments are corrupt and oppressive. This does not mean invade and turn them into little America's. It does mean helping to support any initiative that puts the people in control and moves toward democratization and undermine the ability of the Jihadists to just garner continuing support.

11/05/06: 13 Mile Run: Brownell-Montclair

I met Judy at 6:30 am as usual. She ran with me to about 6.5 mile mark and then took a short cut home. This time I had the MP3 player with me just in case. Judy is not planning on running the full marathon for Mercedes. So, she doesn't really need to run these longer distances with me. I met up with 3 women just after the 12 mile mark. Without speaking, we ran the last mile together. They came in from a different direction, so I have no idea where they came from. It did help motivate me through the last mile. This was a tough 2 days with a total of 19.2 miles run this weekend. I'm ready!


Distance: 13 Miles
Time: 2:05:00
Heart Rate: 156
Pace: 9:36
Weather: Clear
Route: 13 Mile Montclair Run

Saturday, November 04, 2006

11/4/06: 6.2 Mile Run: Vulcan Run

I arrived early at 6:45 am to get my packet for the 2006 Vulcan Run. It was cold this morning, 35°according to a readout on a bank's sign as I was driving downtown. So, I wore tights and was ready with long sleeves if needed. Sue, a woman that Judy and see from time to time that lives in Judy's neighborhood was one of the volunteers. It was good to see her and say hi since it had been awhile. Judy showed up at about 15 till 8:00; the race started at 8:00.

I clearly drank too much coffee and water. Despite have visited the men's room twice in the last half-hour before the race, I had to stop within the first mile and relieve myself again. That was the last time I saw Judy. So, I ran the race alone and without a MP3 player. Dang! When alone, I really like the MP3 player. It was in the car.

But, it was a good race. I ran my fastest pace this week. Judy ran faster. But, I didn't want to push it since I am doing a 13 miler tomorrow.


Distance: 6.2 Miles
Time: 56:31
Heart Rate: 164
Pace: 9:06
Weather: Clear
Route: See Race Website

Friday, November 03, 2006

11/2/06: 3 Mile Run: Palisades, NY

I'm still in New York. I listened to the Daily Source Code and enjoyed my cold, wet run. I came across 3 deer this morning. Two of them seem to be running with me for a short way. Very cool.

Not so cool is the idea that during my install of the latest iTunes install it tells me it can't continue because it can't access my Outlook data because I have Outlook open. I closed Outlook, but gees iTunes what the hell are you doing with my mail, calendar client! I have suffered another annoyance lately as well. Namely, gmaps-pedometer's insistence on resetting its viewpoint to the whole country and refusing to let me get back down to the resolution of my route drawing! I have not been able to definitively pin down the steps to recreate, but it has happened to me several times now.


Distance: 3.14 Miles
Time: 31:21
Heart Rate: Not measured
Pace: 9:59
Weather: Raining
Route: Route

Thursday, November 02, 2006

11/1/06: 5 Mile Run: Palisades, NY

I'm on a business trip in New York. I have been here before and love running this predominantly cross-country like run through a state park and a nature trail from the facility wherein I am staying. Twas a good run with the Creative Sleek playing random selections from my musical collection.


Distance: 5 Miles
Time: 48:5
Heart Rate: Not measured
Pace: 9:37
Weather: Partly cloudy
Route: Route

10/31/06: 5 Mile Run: Neighborhood

I ran with another runner from the neighborhood, Larry. Larry is training for the Mercedes Marathon too. We took a different route than my usual. So, no loops around the lake today. Larry and I run about the same pace. It was a good run and it was nice to have company.


Distance: 5.233 Miles
Time: 49:39
Heart Rate: Not measured
Pace: 9:29
Weather: Clear

Monday, October 30, 2006

10/29/06: 9 Mile Run: Brownell-Shades Creek

I met Judy at 6:30 am as usual. A good steady run. I am pleased with my performance during marathon training so far (knock on wood). No injuries, no pain, all good. Let's hope it stays that way. I sure would like to drop a few pounds. I think that would help me pick up the pace and get rid of that beltline bulge I hate. Next week, 13 Miles!


Distance: 9.12 Miles
Time: 1:23:14
Heart Rate: 152
Pace: 9:11
Weather: Clear
Route: The usual 8.5 Miler +
.62 Miles estimated and not mapped

Saturday, October 28, 2006

10/28/06: 5 Mile Run: Neighborhood

Another run during whichI put the Creative Zen Sleek on random mode and listened to music since I have heard my usual list of podcasts. This makes for 4 days straight running and I am running tomorrow. All due to an interrupted schedule due to work. But, I think I am holding up and will get my weekly mileage goal with no harm done. Then, off to the gym for an hour of Muscle Works. Damn interrupted schedules throw everything off. But, hey I did it and I feel stronger. So, not all bad.


Distance: 5 Miles
Time: 50:19
Heart Rate: 151
Pace: 10:03
Weather: Cloudy

10/27/2006: 5 Mile Run: Neighborhood

An early morning run in a light rain. I put the Creative Zen Sleek on random mode and listened to music since I have heard my usual list of podcasts. A wet, but good run.


Distance: 5 Miles
Time: 49:10
Heart Rate: 157
Pace: 9:49
Weather: Cloudy

10/26/06: 8 Mile Run: Atlanta, GA

Fortunately, the weather is warmer and I had the right clothes for the conditions. So, I ran outside. The run felt good. I listened to the latest Daily Source Code and Phedippidations. I came across 2 men struggling with each other. They appeared to be fighting over a stocking cap. I kept my attention on my safety and my run. Translation: I stayed on the other side of the road and made sure they did not follow.


Distance: 9 Miles
Time: 1:15:50
Heart Rate: Not measured
Pace: 9:28
Weather: Cloudy
Route: Centennial Olympic Park Start

10/25/06: 3 Mile Run: Atlanta, Treadmill :(

It was 34° and I did not have any tights in my luggage. So, I opted to run in the hotel gym on the treadmill. I HATE treadmills. And, this run reminded me why. My intent was to run 5 miles, but I just couldn't do it. I stopped at 3. It was boring; the air quality was awful. Lesson learned: if the weather predicts temperatures in the 40's, assume it could end up being a little colder and pack accordingly. I listened to latest Daily Source Code.


Distance: 3 Miles
Time: 28:30
Heart Rate: Not measured
Pace: 9:30
Weather: A stagnant room in a hotel

Sunday, October 22, 2006

10/22/06: 11 Mile Run: Brownell--Shades Creek-Jemison

Judy was not able to run today. So, I ran alone. It was raining when I woke up, but fortunately stopped before I started running. I ran a new course instead of the usual 10.5 mile loop to ensure I got a full 11 miles. To further ensure the distance, I wore the Timex Time and Distance setup. The route linked below is one placed on Favorite Run. Again, I let played a shuffle of music. I thoroughly enjoyed this run and felt strong. Upon going home, I have to pack, bath, and take off for Atlanta for a conference my company sponsors. So, no long lay in the whirlpool today.


Distance: 11 Miles
Time: 1:45:42
Heart Rate: Not measured
Pace: 9:36
Weather: Cloudy
Route: Trish's 11 Mile Run

10/21/06: 3 Mile Run: Neighborhood

I managed to get a run in before going to the gym for Muscle Works. All of this is part of getting up to 5 runs per week with more mileage as I continue preparing for the Mecedes Marathon. I am logging this on Sunday, so not commentary. I listened to the shuffle mode on the Creative Zen Sleek. In other words, random selections from my ripped CDs. I thoroughly enjoyed it.


Distance: 3 Miles
Time: 31:04
Heart Rate: 146
Pace: 10:21
Weather: Clear

Thursday, October 19, 2006

10/19/06: 5 Mile Run Neighborhood

An early morning run in a light rain. Thank goodness it was warm. I finished listening to episodes of Phedippidations, and  Accident Hash). Steve, from Phedippidations, read through some of the results for the World Wide Half-Marathon. I found it inspiring, ok maybe corny, to think that since the 3 registered runners in Birmingham finished within seconds of each other and we did not all know each other that maybe we could say "despite running apart, we all finish together". I didn't like my slow pace, but I am adding lots of miles right now, so I'm not going to worry about it.


Distance: 5 Miles
Time: 53:15
Heart Rate: 148
Pace: 10:39
Weather: Raining

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

10/18/06: 8 Mile Run: Neighborhood

I didn't listen to any podcasts during this run. Instead, I plugged in the my Creative Zen Sleek mp3 player which is the device to which I rip my musical CD's. I put it in shuffle mode and just let the music flow. I started running in the pitch dark. Several times I ran off the trail and had to wonder back. When I finished the sun was up. I have always loved running at sunrise. 


Distance: 8 Miles
Time: 1:22:43
Heart Rate: 154
Pace: 10:20
Weather: Clear

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

10/17/06: 5 Mile Run: Neighborhood

An early morning run in the pouring rain. Thank goodness it was warm. I finished listening to episodes of Phedippidations, The Daily Source Code, and  Accident Hash).


Distance: 5 Miles
Time: 51:17
Heart Rate: 151
Pace: 10:15
Weather: Raining with high winds

10/15/06: 9 Mile Run: Brownell-Shades Creek

I met Judy at 6:30 am as usual. Since I have started Marathon training, we did add a little at the end of the run to get 9 miles in. I based the total distance on an elaboration of the pace at the last known distance (8.5 miles). We simple continued down the trail through Jemison Park. We simply continued in the same direction as the last 4.25 miles for 5 minutes. My running is going great and I anticipate no trouble for the marathon. Of course, it is still early. I will be signing up for the Vulcan Run on November 4th. It felt colder than the temperature would lead you to believe.


Distance: 9.12 Miles
Time: 1:24:40
Heart Rate: 154
Pace: 9:17
Weather: Clear
Route: The usual 8.5 Miler +
.62 Miles not mapped

Saturday, October 14, 2006

10/14/06: 2 Mile Run: Neighborhood

An early morning run on my birthday! And, in some some cool temperatures. I listened to the rest of TPN Accident Mash #2 with C.C. Chapman and Ewan Spence (more info at Accident Hash). This is the first time I have tried to run 2 miles in the neighborhood and I was a little short of the goal according to the map I created at Favorite Run. I will fix it up and find the extra .19 miles for next time.


Distance: 1.81 Miles
Time: 18:37
Heart Rate: 144
Pace: 10:17 (Gees, I am really slowing...)
Weather: Clear

10/13/06: 4 Mile Run: Neighborhood

An early morning run in some cool temperatures. I listened to the TPN Accident Mash #2 with C.C. Chapman and Ewan Spence (more info at Accident Hash). I don't think was a single song I didn't like even the "screamo" which was not over screamed. Good show. And, I am going to have to check out Ewan's show.


Distance: 4 Miles
Time: 40:26
Heart Rate: 148
Pace: 10:06
Weather: Few Clouds

Thursday, October 12, 2006

10/11/06: 6 Mile Run: Neighborhood

I have decided to start training for the Mercedes Marathon. If the training goes well, I will run the full 26.2. If it doesn't then I will pull back and run the 1/2 marathon. Today's run felt good. I have worked up a training schedule which I posted below.

North Korea tests a nuclear weapon, a congressman (Foley) sends dirty text messages and emails to young pages, and some are accused of a cover up. What a world!


Distance: 6 Miles
Time: 1:01:56
Heart Rate: 154
Pace: 10:19


Mercedes Marathon Training Plan The targets are based on the training plan published at the Mercedes Marathon website:














9/17/2006 8.5   3 5   3   19.5 20 26 (0.50) (6.50)
9/24/2006 12   3 6   3   24 21 27 3.00 (3.00)
10/1/2006 9   3 5       17 21 27 (4.00) (10.00)
10/8/2006 13.1   3 6   4 2 28.1 29 35 (0.90) (6.90)
10/15/2006 9   5 8 5   3 30 29 35 1.00 (5.00)
10/22/2006 11   5 8 8 2.7   34.7 31 37 3.70 (2.30)
10/29/2006 9   5 7 4   6.2 31.2 26 32 5.20 (0.80)
11/5/2006 13   5   8 6 3 35 33 39 2.00 (4.00)
11/12/2006 11   5 8 6   4 34 33 39 1.00 (5.00)
11/19/2006 13   5 8 6   4 36 35 41 1.00 (5.00)
11/26/2006 15   5 8 6   3 37 35 41 2.00 (4.00)
12/3/2006 17   5 10 6   3 41 39 41 2.00 0.00
12/10/2006 13   5 10 6   4 38 37 43 1.00 (5.00)
12/17/2006 15   7 10 7   4 43 43 49 0.00 (6.00)
12/24/2006 17   5 10 5   4 41 39 45 2.00 (4.00)
12/31/2006 13   5 8 5   6.2 37.2 35 41 2.20 (3.80)
1/7/2007 15   5 10 5   3 38 37 43 1.00 (5.00)
1/14/2007 20   3 10 5   3 41 38 44 3.00 (3.00)
1/21/2007 15   5 8 5   3 36 33 39 3.00 (3.00)
1/28/2007 13   4 7 3   3 30 26 32 4.00 (2.00)
2/4/2007 11   3 6 3   23 21 27 2.00 (4.00)
2/11/2007 26.2           26.2 26.2 26.2 0.00 0.00
Races: Vulcan Run & Red Nose Run (well, maybe)

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

10/10/06: 3 Mile Run: Neighborhood

Well, I had my first run with Prince, that's the husband of one of my wife's Bunko buddies. He lives in my neighborhood and runs too. He had called last week and we managed to hook up this morning. It is interesting meeting a new running buddy. I don't think I would have the nerve to call someone my wife knew to say let's run together. I am glad he did and I respect, maybe envy, folks that have the courage to be so forward. We had a good run and he seems like a nice guy. He volunteered to pace the 4:15 group for the Mercedes Marathon. I will run at least the 1/2 marathon, but I am seriously considering the full marathon. And, if I do I am going to need to get busy planning and training soon.


Distance:3 Miles
Heart Rate:152


Sunday, October 08, 2006

10/08/06: Phedippidations World-Wide Half Marathon

Today Judy and I ran the 1st Annual Phedippidations World-Wide Half Marathon Challenge. You couldn't have asked for a better day. The weather was perfect for running. I love running in temperatures in the low 50's. I did have a little sinus trouble which led to a small nose bleed, but no big deal. I am so pleased with the results especially after Wednesday's run when I felt like so much crap. Thanks Steve and the other organizers for making this happen!


Distance:13.1 Miles
I used the Timex Time and Distance system and the damn GPS unit shutdown at about 1.5 miles. So, I have to trust the measurements reported by the virtual maps. The GPS unit was merely dead weight for this run. Arghhh....
Heart Rate:Not measured


RouteBrownell-Montclair Loop

Thursday, October 05, 2006

10/04/06: 5 Mile Run: Neighborhood

An early morning run during which I listened to the Daily Source Code. OMG, Oh My God, how slowly I ran today. Worse, I felt drained during most of the run. I don't know why. I had to force my body to run. Since the Pheddippidations World-Wide Half-Marathon is this weekend, and I am running it, I sure hope this was a temporary thing. I haven't been sleeping as much as usual thanks to recovering this laptop. So, hopefully, all will be fine by this week end. This will be the last run until I do the 13.1 miles. It may have simply been the heat. Since I have switched to running mostly in the morning I was probably just not aclimatized for 88°. I got a call Sunday night from the husband of one of my wife's Bunko buddies. He and another fellow run in this neighborhood too. They have a 9:00 minute pace and I look forward to running with them. I hope I can.


Distance:5 Miles
Heart Rate:160 (10 more than usual, hum...)

Few clouds

10/03/06: 3 Mile Run: Neighborhood

An early morning run during which I listened to the Daily Source Code. It's good to be home.

Toshiba Portege Dies
My Toshiba Portege M200, laptop/tablet convertible, crashed and burned. During boot up it would just auto shutdown and try to start to boot again. It has been showing signs of distress for several months now. I suspected software. I don't have a CD/DVC drive for this machine! So, how to load the operating system for a fresh start? I have the recovery DVD that came with the laptop that will put the harddrive back into the same state it was in at the factory. That's a good goal line, but how do I get it done with no drive! Joe, JCM, to the rescue. I found this gem after searching and searching on the Internet. It took a leap of faith to follow this complicated procedure, but it worked and is actually fairly simple once you start. Thanks, Joe who ever you are.

Condolences to the Amish community and families that suffered at the hands of the madman, Charles Carl Roberts IV (learn more...). It is just horrible to know what he did and worse to imagine what he had planned to do to those children.


Distance:3 Miles
Heart Rate:150


Sunday, October 01, 2006

9/26/06-10/01/06: A Week of Running

I have been busy and traveling this week. So, I did not keep up with my blogging. As a result, I am going to log this weeks run in one post. I stayed caught up on all of my regular podcasts (Daily Source Code, Accident Hash, and Phedippidations).


Distance:3 Miles
Heart Rate:150


Distance:6 Miles
Heart Rate:151
Weather:Few Clouds

Distance:3 Miles
Heart Rate:Not measured
Route:A country run in Ridgeway, SC

Distance:9 Miles
Heart Rate:Not measured
Route:A country run in Ridgeway, SC

Sunday, September 24, 2006

9/24/06: 12 Mile Run: Brownell-Shades Creek Greenway

The weather was extremely rainy at the beginning of this 6:30 am run on a Sunday without Judy. I caught up on all of my regular podcasts (Daily Source Code, Accident Hash, and Phedippidations). The main topic left in my mind after the run was the conversation between Patricia and Adam on the Daily Source about their daughter's intent to spend the night at her boyfriend's house. Yes, this is their 16 year old daughter and her 21 year old boyfriend. Adam and Patricia comment about how mature their daughter behaves and thinks. But, I would remind them that 16 year old brains are not mature. And, the parts left to mature are the ones associated with inhibiting bad ideas.
I ran with the Timex "Time and Distance" to ensure I got the mileage right on
Spotted this bumper sticker which I thought was cool:
Bush Bin-Lyin

Distance:12 Miles
Heart Rate:Not measured
Route:The usual 10.5 Miler +
1.5 Miler

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Rant: Humanity, Not Polarity

I am just sick of all of the polarizing movements in the world right now. Bush's labeling Islamic Fascists. Self-proclaiming Islamists claiming the holy right to kill anyone who disagree with them (and I am not saying that is all Islamists). And others, that take world events and put an interpretation with them that help to motivate themselves and others to do evil (like kill humans) need to feel the shame they rightly deserve. The rest of us that can appreciate the truth and know that no good comes from evil need to passionately share this truth with those that choose evil as their means to good (which is a false path).
For me this came to fruition this week, my heart pained as I listened to my fellow citizens argue for torturous treatment of those they consider an enemy. I think we have to hold a higher standard. We will and should not take on the evil of our enemy in our passion to defend ourselves from him. Those that have the will and the way to kill us should be stopped. They should be treated as wayward children that have lost their way. Yes, they are dangerous and it may be necessary to kill them. But, only if they refuse to submit to justice. And, justice should be administered in a parental manner. Even the most motivated and evilly motivated terrorist is worthy of respect as a human. Albeit, a human who has allowed himself to become horribly misled. We, the good, should not intentionally torture such an already tortured soul. We may need to kill or permantently hold such an individual in prison to protect others, but to be cruel is not our nature. We are the good!
Many Americans (and likely many other people of Earth) feel this way. With any luck it is the majority of us. Let the good stand up to the evil and make a difference. Don't support evil regardless of its label.

9/22/06: 3 Mile Run: Neighborhood

I ran this morning while listening to Shelby Lynne at the suggestion of a friend. The music is good, but not great for running. Nice bluesy sound with a touch of country. I am glad he recommended it. Sunday is a 12 miler which will be my longest run since the Mercedes Half-Marathon in February.


Distance:3 Miles
Heart Rate:149
Weather:Mostly Cloudy